Katrilina the cat!

Katrilina has quite the history with the Dream Angel series. Today’s focus isn’t on Katrilina herself, though, but on her special ability: the ability to physically change into any cat in the feline family. Most notably, a lioness, leopard, panther and tiger.The focus is Katrilina’s feline forms.

katrilina catsOf all the 38 species of cats of the feline family she can become, these four are her favorites for their varying abilities. Strength, endurance, stealth and cunning, to name a few. In nature, these cats are far from cute and cuddly and Katrilina uses those abilities with great effect. Of course, which cat she picks depends on the situation and sometimes even who she’s with.

She’ll go with the tiger if she’s around Virgo, for example. Her favorite for going after Reprobates is the Panther. The winged creatures don’t like the black streak chasing after them. Her lioness will ground most Harpies if they’re low enough and for some of the higher up opponents, she’ll use the leopard to climb a nearby tree or even building ledge to leap and attack.

The one important marking all of Katrilina’s feline and even her human form share is a pure white tail. Nobody is sure why exactly she always has the white tail, but it is a very distinguishing marking. While it might sometimes be troublesome, she really doesn’t mind it too much.

What do you think? Are these interesting cats? Katrilina’s feline forms make their debut appearance in Dream Angel #1, which can be found in the shop. Also found in the shop are the plush action figures of her leopard, lioness, panther and tiger forms.

Published by

Jennifer Wyatt

http://www.dreamangelsparadise.com is my website. http://oceangoddess13.deviantart.com/ My DeviantArt profile http://www.dreamangelsparadise.com/blog/ my blog http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009315BQA My first comic book as an ebook in Amazon's Kindle store! http://www.amazon.com/Dream-Angel-Kidnapped-Jennifer-Rash/dp/147932907X/ My first comic book in print. http://www.amazon.com/Dream-Angel-Clumsy-Rescue-ebook/dp/B00AH824WM My second comic book as an ebook. http://www.amazon.com/Dream-Angel-Clumsy-Rescue-Volume/dp/148100204X/ My second comic book in print.

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