Soft weapons?

Who ever heard of soft weapons? They’re usually hard, and very deadly, right? Not these. Not a one could even hurt a fly! Okay, they’re still dangerous to a point, since someone could choke on them, but there’s no sharp points and they’re definitely soft.

A while back I realized my characters don’t have their weapons. Blue Nite Soldier’s cool sword, the Reprobates’ spears and other weaponry and they seemed… disarmed. Corny joke, but it’s true. So I decided to keep an eye out for reference material I could use to help with drafting patterns. A book called Castle by David Macaulay has drawings of simple weapons that were just the right size to serve as a base for the soft ones. The resulting soft weapons have turned out wonderful.

soft weapons

This is only part of the group of weapons, but as you can see, they’ve turned out nicely. Aside from the spear, battle axe, mace and bow and arrow seen in the picture, there’s a crossbow, sword and dagger. I plan to attempt a katana and a couple different guns soon. You’ll also notice in the image there’s a helmet. There may be a couple varieties of armor joining it soon.

In other news, books will soon begin again. The library of characters for Hillbilly Hoot has begun coming together, for Hillbilly Hoot #1 to begin production sometime soon. Techwarrior #4 needs some finishing touches and approval before moving into production and Dream Angel #23 needs some action filled in. I won’t spoil any of them, but they’re all likely to be quite impressive.

Okay, opinion time! What do you think of these plush weapons? Anticipating the new books? What would you like to learn about the process of making these? Don’t forget to follow the site rules!

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