Wrestling champion Jake “Golden Chaos” Arum!

In this corner, weighing in at 145, the reigning middleweight champion: Jake “Golden Chaos” Arum! Okay, couldn’t resist having a little fun there, but he’s actually a retired middleweight champion. There’s a good reason why he retired, too: he came extremely close to being killed by the Keres during a match.


The Keres had somehow learned of Larissa’s connection to Dream Angel and attacked the arena where he was in a wrestling match and she would be in the crowd. The intention was to kidnap the lieutenant to draw out Dream Angel. The attack got out of hand, Jake was seriously injured and Larissa kidnapped in the confusion. Dream Angel couldn’t reveal herself without revealing her secret identity, so the incident served as the catalyst for why Dream Angel fights so hard against the Keres.

Naturally, that’s the short version of what happened. Since Jake was so severely injured, it was recommended that he retire for his family’s sake. Despite this, he still makes brief appearances in the ring every now and then to surprise fans. Known only to a very small select few beforehand, the matches are quietly arranged so injuries are kept to a minimum especially for Jake.

Jake is where Dream Angel gets her fiery fighting nature. He hates sitting on the sidelines when he sees a fight going on, but one look from his wife and he stays out of it. Instead, he’ll tell a few jokes and maybe heckle the bad guys before getting chased off for one reason or another.

He’s got a good many skills he passed on to his daughter starting with being a black belt. Learning martial arts from her father has saved Dream Angel many times. It’s also saved Jake a good number of times when he got mixed up in her fights without understanding why.
What do you think? Is Jake an interesting character? He makes his comic book debut in Dream Angel #1, which can be found in the shop. Also found in the shop is his plush action figure.

Published by

Jennifer Wyatt

http://www.dreamangelsparadise.com is my website. http://oceangoddess13.deviantart.com/ My DeviantArt profile http://www.dreamangelsparadise.com/blog/ my blog http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009315BQA My first comic book as an ebook in Amazon's Kindle store! http://www.amazon.com/Dream-Angel-Kidnapped-Jennifer-Rash/dp/147932907X/ My first comic book in print. http://www.amazon.com/Dream-Angel-Clumsy-Rescue-ebook/dp/B00AH824WM My second comic book as an ebook. http://www.amazon.com/Dream-Angel-Clumsy-Rescue-Volume/dp/148100204X/ My second comic book in print.

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