Clumsy Kaida

Kaida‘s a centaur that’s also a Pegasus. His true name is Tristen and the Welsh name for “noisy commotion” couldn’t fit him better. On the battlefield, he’s well coordinated and not the least clumsy. Off the battlefield… well, it’s better to stay at a distance sometimes. He’s clumsy.


The one who accepts his clumsiness is Larissa. She admits to being just as clumsy in her own youth until she got training in coordination through ballet and martial arts. Of course, they both know many of the exercises from both of those are impossible for him to do. Despite this, she tries to help.

When Kaida first met Larissa, she already knew her daughter’s secret. So it wasn’t a far stretch for her to understand that she’d make unique friends in her fight. Where the two met though, is the most unique of all.

They met in Nyxus’s dungeon. Larissa had been captured in the middle of a fight and Dream Angel didn’t yet know about her being missing. Nyxus had captured Kaida because she wanted him for a zoo. They discovered they had a lot in common, and found a way to escape on their own.

Dream Angel was surprised when the two came out of the castle almost completely unscathed. Larissa introduced the pair and related the circumstances of their escape. Once it was decided that their goals were the same, Larissa gave Kaida a communication device just like Dream Angel’s. This way, they’d be in constant contact as long as it wasn’t lost.

Kaida is a rarity on South Bartin City. His kind would be considered endangered. This would be why Nyxus wanted him for a zoo. Although she’s the one responsible for almost wiping out his species. Many creatures on the planet got labeled “unnecessary.” Then hunted either to the brink of extinction or extinction.

What do you think of Kaida? Is he an interesting character? He makes his comic book debut in Dream Angel #3, which can be found in the shop. It’s recommended you get the books that came before it so the story makes sense! Also found in the shop is his plush action figure.

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Jennifer Wyatt is my website. My DeviantArt profile my blog My first comic book as an ebook in Amazon's Kindle store! My first comic book in print. My second comic book as an ebook. My second comic book in print.

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